The majority of the time most problematic issue a man faces when meeting a woman is the approach. Most men have no problems going from the rapport build-up, to the courting phase. Nevertheless, the main problem most men face when they are “sarging,” is that they don’t know how to approach women!
One thing it makes sense to me is an article I saw from the TSB Magazine that talks about approaching techniques. 83 Pick Up Lines That Make it Easy to Talk to Girls. The article talks about the do’s and don’ts of the “social intelligent man.”
- Begin a conversation in a way that is friendly and non threatening
- Skillfully introduce topics that quickly build rapport
- Talk in a way that shows that he is of high value
- Never give the impression that he is trying to impress her
- Never give the impression that he is intimated by her
Another thing that makes sense to me in the article, was that when you force a women to make an immediate decision as of to whether or not the man is right for her, 99% of the time she will decline! I think that this situation happens with every gender.
Men have a black and white mentality while women as a gray mentality. We think in ether yes or no terms, while women come with a “maybe.” When approaching a female, the best thing to do is to approach all of them with the same mind frame; “maybe.” The goal is to allow both of you to express yourselves as naturally as possible.
How can you both express as naturally as possible? For starters, as men, one will have to go in to the approach knowing that you will have an immediate objection. It is a normal human reaction, when someone is approached by a stranger, people tend to react defensively and give objections. The point is that when a male stranger approaches a female, there’s a natural reaction for the female to feel unease, unprotected. Most men don’t know how to react to that particular behavior.
You get what I called the “slippery fish” syndrome. One tries to grabbed them and they slipped away. Just like when you’re trying to catch a fish in a pond with your bare hands. The only way I know how to approach in a non-threatening tone to someone you will like to meet is by asking an open ended question, or come up with a statement that has nothing to do with what you are doing at that particular moment.
Open ended questions are open to possibilities. The goal to open ended questions is to engage in conversation. You are trying to make your target express her opinions and views about any simple “NON-THREATENING” subject. Statements that you make that has nothing to do with what both of you are doing at the time, are intended to work the same way.
Most men don’t know how to approach women. However, as men, one can be creative and make a few open ended questions of your own, as well as some good statements to engage into conversations with women, and that is the secret. You’ll be surprise what you can do. Most importantly, be yourself, come up with your own game, your own lines, practice makes perfect. I suggest not to copy anyone style. Gather the positive, and reject the negative from any style. Experiment with different lines. Until, you come up with your own ones. And always remember to document what works so you can be able to use it again. Be authentic!
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