Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Maxim Magazine (Nov 2008 Issue)

The November 2008 Issue of Maxim Magazine had an article named "Build a Better Trap". It talks about 7 ploys about what females said what have worked for guys when dealing with and picking up gal's.  The seven Ploys the article talks about were:

Ploy No. 1: Give her the "Neg"

Ploy No. 2: Have a routine

Ploy No. 3: Disarm your competition

Ploy No. 4: Call her right away

Ploy No. 5: Dress like Cock

Ploy No. 6: Hit on her friend

Ploy No. 7: Make her work for it

In most of this ploys I have something to say. There are some of them I would agree with, but most of them I would disagree with the authors findings. Starting with the first ploy:

Ploy No. 1: Give her the "Neg":

In this ploy the author says that every women that was interviewed despise the trick.

I can understand why every women despise the tactic of it.  In my opinion the purpose of the "Neg" is to make the woman uncomfortable with your comments.  I think that even if you're making your comments feel uncomfortable to her, she will stick to your comments.  Even if she despise your comments and find you a jerk.

What you are trying to accomplish with the "negging" is to force the target to think about you.  I once read in one of the Donald Trump books that "bad publicity is better than no publicity at all!" And in here you're using the same principle.

In my opinion, I would not try to offend the girl that I'm targeting, rather than that, I try to make her feel some what uncomfortable with my comments towards here, and it has worked for me.

Remember, this is a cat and mouse game. When you "neg" the girl out you're trying to play hard to catch.  You're sending signals to the girl for her to play with you. And if you're attracted to her she will play along. If not you're out of luck!

And on that note, beware sometimes girls use their looks to scare off the majority of the guys for some reason.  Leaving only those who dare to approach them; the AMOG's

Ploy No. 2: Have a routine:

The author explains in the article that having a routine might not work.  And that humor when it's spontaneous can work.

On that note, I would disagree with the author because for starters, how does the author would expect to approach to a group of people, if one is not prepare and don't know what to say after the word "Hi".

Realistically, not all the guys are humorous, much less are spontaneous. So, are this guys doom to be alone for ever.  I don't think so!

Being spontaneous with something that you think is funny maybe grounds for an insult on an other persons circle of friends.  I think one have to follow a protocol. I'm not saying that one have to follow a routine over and over again, because people will eventually catch up to it.  Nevertheless, by using the same protocol, the same concept with different openers just might do the trick. See "How to work a room" by Susan Roane. And also see Susan Roane Blog for more on that topic.

Ploy No. 3: Disarm the competition

The author says that is good to disarm the competition when picking up girls.  I would say sometimes is good, and sometimes is a very bad idea!

For instance, if you're going to have a girl that she will always gets you in trouble expecting you to get her out of it, I would think it twice to be near her. In the same token, if you're saving her from someone she's obviously not into, then I would say maybe.  If you're saving her from her boyfriend's ass-whipping, then I will say "Stay Away!"  Nine times out of ten, when you intervene in someone else relationship as a third party, she might tell you to "bug off!"

Ploy No. 4: Call her right away

I totally agree with this ploy from the author. I would not waste time to call her either.

Ploy No. 5: Dress Like Cock

The author stress that is not convenient to dress like a "peacock."

I would definitely not go with the author's opinion on this ploy because one has to stand out some how!  I'm not saying to go ahead and dress like a clown.  However, one needs to be able to stand out one's uniqueness.  One needs to create it's own avatar.  A diamond is rare not because is a rock among rocks, it's rear because it's a rock that stand out.

Ploy No. 6: Hit on her friend

The author says that "hitting" on a girls friend is not a good idea. Because they always go with the "Bros before hos" concept.  The author also say that "no girl ever wants to feel like she was the second choice." However, one needs to understand that when you are picking up girls you are working with attraction here.  That means that you always will have 50% chance that the girl you're "hitting" on may or may not LIKE YOU! You are always playing the numbers when it come to girls. Some girls will like you and some girls wont. That is fact of life!. Is there is any type of attraction in your "target", she will find a way to get to know you.

There is an other old adage that says: "Treat the waitress like a lady and the lady like a waitress to win the lady's heart!"

Ploy No. 7: Make her work for it

Finally, the author talks about that you need to let the girl work for it. That statement can be no further out from the truth.  No girls want to be considered boring or weak. And I use that to my advantage all the time.      


Unknown said...

Thanks for referring to my blog and to How To Work a Room. Your comments about the Maxim article offer great insights and a valuable point of view.

Susan RoAne author
Face to Face: How To Reclaim the Personal Touch in a Digital World

Pedro Serrano said...

I'm amazed! How did you find out that I referred to your blog and How To Work a Room Book?

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